jueves, 4 de octubre de 2018

Población en Marruecos

Status in Morocco (extract from Thévenot, M., Vernon, R. & Bergier, P. 2003. The Birds of MoroccoIn British Ornithologists’ Union Check List. Tring, 20. 594 pp)

Common passage migrant and uncommon breeding migrant; occasional in winter.


Distribution Common in Tangier Peninsula earlier 20th century (Vaucher 1915) but now uncommon (4 pairs in 1970s – P&GA), though still common elsewhere in Rif and along its Mediterranean coast, eg at least 3 pairs between Cabo Negro and Melilla (Berthon & Berthon 1984). Uncommon to locally common in ‘North Atlantic’ where widespread in PrérifZemmour and Zaër, but more local in Rharb (Larache area) and Saïs (Jbel Zerhoun and Gorges du Sebou). Fairly common in Central Plateau and in Middle Atlas (since Carpentier 1933a, PB), common in the 1950s in Hills of Eastern Morocco (Brosset 1956a) but now uncommon (Brosset 1990), and also breeds locally in Plains of Eastern Morocco (Mechra Homadi and Jbel Gourougou – GOMAC96/1-97). Absent from most of ‘Mid Atlantic’ because of unsuitable habitat, but breeds locally in Rehamna (Mechra Benabbou), Haouz (4-6 pairs on an area of 12,000 km2 in Marrakech palmerie and surrounding plains – D. Barreau in PB) and in Chiadma (Oued Ksob valley). Common inWestern and Central High Atlas (30-50 pairs present on an area of 8000 km2 on northern slopes of Western High Atlas – D. Barreau in PB). Further south, only known to breed in Souss between Taroudant and Aoulouz (since CROM80- 81).


Sea cliffs (Mediterranean coast) and a wide range of woodlands, eg Cork Oak (Tangier Peninsula, Rharb, Zaër), Atlas Cedar (Middle Atlas), Aleppo Pine and Tetraclinis articulata (Eastern Morocco), Argan (Souss), eucalyptus reafforestations (Tangier Peninsula, Haouz), palm and olive groves (Haouz), and also in forested areas with rocky outcrops; once used a cypress hedge bordering an orange grove in the suburbs of Marrakech (P. Robin in PB). More rarely in open country, eg Massif des Zekkara and southern edges of Beni-Snassen in Eastern Morocco (AB), and Upper Ksob valley in Chiadma (PB). Breeds from sea-level to 2000 m (but observed hunting up to 2500-2700 m – Barreau et al 1987). Breeding population estimated at 500-1000 pairs (Thévenot et al 1985).

Nesting data 

Adults return to breeding areas from early Mar onwards, and nuptial display occurs mainly in Apr (latest Tamjdout, High Atlas, 16 May 1976 – PB). Nest in tree (n=14) or on cliff (n=11); nest building begins end Mar (earliest Aoulouz, 25 Mar 1973). Eggs and broods: C/2 (n=9), B/1 (n=2) and B/2 (n=3), data indicate laying from early Apr to early May with a peak in last 10 days of Apr (PB), but perhaps occasionally later, eg nest building in Tangier Peninsula, 12 May (P&GA), and bird at an empty, newly built nest in Zegzel valley, 20 May (AB).

Movements and Migration

Movements across the Straits in autumn begin late Jul, reach a peak between mid Sep and early Oct, and continue into early Nov (P&GA). In some years the total passage involves 10,000-19,000 birds (P&GA, Thiollay 1977, Bernis 1980a) but in others only 4000 (Finlayson 1992). The spring passage extends from early Mar to early Jun, but peaks during the first third of Apr (P&GA, Finlayson 1992). In northwestern Morocco, first spring migrants occasionally pass from early Feb (earliest at Sidi Bou-Rhaba, 2 Feb 1993 – GOMAC93) but more regularly from end Feb, eg Merja Zerga, 21 Feb 1979 (CROM79), Sidi Bou-Rhaba, 21 Feb 1990 (GOMAC90). Elsewhere migrants are recorded in autumn and spring throughout the country south to Saharan Morocco, eg regular in Tafilalt from Sep to early Oct and from end Mar to early Jun (RD), though more occasional in ‘West Sahara’ along Atlantic coast south to Cap Blanc, Aug-Nov and Mar-May (JV, Mahé 1985, Lamarche 1988). Migrants occur up to 3000 m in High Atlas, eg Oukaimeden, 5 Oct 1986 (B&B). Records in Nov, eg at Tiznit, 17 Nov 1962, Erfoud, 12 Nov 1978, Oued Massa, 15 Nov 1980, Ouarzazate, 18 Nov 1980, El-Kbab, 12 Nov 1981, and Sidi Bou-Rhaba, 24 Nov 1996 (Smith 1965, CROM80, GOMAC96/1, COM), or in late Jan, eg at Aïn Defali, 30 Jan 1977, Tazzarine, 27 Jan 1980, Merzouga, 28 Jan 1980 (P&GA, CROM80, RD), may be late autumn migrants, early spring migrants or wintering birds. 

Winter Distribution

Some regularly winter in Haouz in palmerie at Marrakech (a few birds at least since 1972 – COM, CROM81, PB) and in Souss at Massa estuary (at least since 1974 – P&GA, CROM79-81, GOMAC89/2) and probably locally inland, eg near Taroudant, 31 Dec 1975 and 30 Dec 1989 (COM, GOMAC89/2), but elsewhere only sporadically, eg Dadès- Draa (Boumalne Dadès, 14 Jan 1970 and 25 Dec 1995 – M. Thévenot, GOMAC95, Ouarzazate, 29 Dec 1982 D. Barreau), Lower Draa (Goulimine, 4 Jan 1990 – P. Buys et al), Rharb (Merja Zerga, 31 Dec 1992 – H. Dufourny), Saïs (Meknès, 14 Jan 1988 – R. Jäbekk), Plains of Eastern Morocco (Melilla, 11 Dec 1996 and 8 Dec 1997 – GOMAC96/1-97), and Tangier Peninsula (Charf-Al-Akab, 12 Dec 1972 – P&GA).

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